Sunday, August 10, 2008

Rant Alert

Okay, so fuck trying to be unapologetically mainstream. I can no longer pretend that I possess no cultural snobbery and am just down to rep my consumeristic tendencies to the fullest. Despite my previous blogs about only mainstream topics written with little/no sense of irony, I am in fact a pretentious asshole at heart. And sometimes when things I totally liked become super mainstream, I get a little pissed. Yes, yes, I know that I am little more than what Hipster Runoff would call an "entry level alt" but I can fucking pretend because I go to NYU and this is blog so it's not like you can tell the goddamn difference.

Anyway, the other day my bored ass was browsing bumper stickers ( - 10 scene points for having a Facebook app) and there was one that said "I LIKED M.I.A. BEFORE PINEAPPLE EXPRESS." Okay. What the fuck. For a moment I was like "What the fuck song is 'Pineapple Express'" and then I was like "Oh duh Judd Apatow movie...right. Def gotta see that shit." And my next thought was "It's okay to like those movies even though you usually hate comedies because they are like critcally acclaimed or whatever. Right?" And my next thought was "James Franco...fuckin' SEXXXXX."

But the next phase of my inner monologue was much less pleasant. "Hellooooo, dumb beezy, who made that wackass bumper sticker with MS Paint, I also liked M.I.A. before 'Pineapple Express.' And it was over three years before that stoner com came out and bros started knockin' to that song in their mid-sized SUVs." Plus I was mildly sick of that song by like Sept. '07. I saw that biatch for free at Central Park Summerstage like right after "Arular" came out and even then I was gettin' pissed that she was like in "Spin" magazine.

But's cool because I totally don't care about that shit at all...errrr.

This is M.I.A. of '05. The one who dated Diplo and was not married to some random rich dude whose dad has some sort of music business connection. Did you know she once did not rep 6 inch roots? You didn't? Get out of my blog. Kidding. I will take any readership I can get.


Anonymous said...

omg i so feel you right now.

Anonymous said...

pissin me off that paper planes was getting all scrwed and chopped by some shit dj on hot97.